Outfit 2013-10-06

Gårdagens shopping

Någonting att berätta....
Ibland är det skönt att bara sitta hemma och chilla när man går upp typ klockan sex på morgonen varje dag och fryser. Sen är det skolan, man blir bara så trött !
Och nu tror jag ju självklart inte att ni vill ha en massa inlägg när jag sitter vid skolbänken och har tråkigt...eller när jag är hemma och pluggar, same shit !
I'm sorry for the lack of update, but I really haven't done a damn thing the last few days because I've been at home.
Sometimes it's nice to just sit at home and chill out when you'r going up like almost six in the morning every day and freezes. Then there's school, i'm just getting so tired !
And I think that you don't want a lot of posts when I'm sitting at the school desk and just being bored ... or when I'm home and do my homework, same shit !

Today Amanda decided that I should taste sushi for the first time, so we went to a resturant during break and the sushi ...
it tasted like asphalt.
However everyone says that you get used to the taste and that you'll become addicted to it later.
After that, I studied and went back to Robys place and went from Japanese food to Italian.

Outfit 2013-09-23

Shoppingrunda igen !...och juste, hårklippning !
Mitt hår var så rakt och livlöst så nu är jag jättenöjd !
Efter det bestämde min syster sig att shopa skor så vi gjorde det och jag är även köpt en massa leksaker till min yngsta syster för att det snart är hennes födelsedag. Jobbig dag va ?
Today I cut my hair in hairsalon CLIPSO. It was really impressed and it was exactly as I had expected.
My hair was so straight and lifeless so now I'm really satisfied with it !
After that, my sister decided to shop some shoes so we did and I'm also bought a lot of toys for my youngest sister because soon it's her birthday. Tough day huh ?

Jag åkte och träffade Alex idag och vi åt kebab och efter det kom min syster och hon shoppade vilt nya vinterkläder. Eftersom att jag är helt inne i kläder blev jag helt galen och kunde inte sluta röra allt.
Efter shoppingrundan åkte vi hem och syrran gjorde en frappe till mig.
Shit ! Äntligen får man chilla lite hahah...
I went and met Alex today and we ate kebab and then i met my sister and she shopped wildly new winter clothes. I'm completely in to clothes so I got crazy and could not stop touching everything.
After the shopping trip we went home and my sister did a frappe for me.
Shit! Finally i get to sit down for a bit hahah ...

Det jag inte vill ska hända !
spotify-rutan så hittar du mitt instanamn i länken !
Well, the depressing times begin. So damm typical so now I lie here and am depressed. nice.
Yesterday I ate and had coffee with Roby on Coffeehouse by George and an Italian resturant.
I've been extremely updated on Instagram so check it, click on the image to the right in the menu just below
the spotify-box so you can find my instaname in the link!

Usch regn ! But you need to look fabulous !
Aa, det blåste otroligt mycket idag och regnet bara flög i ansiktet på mig, Amandas...och aa, resten av Odenplans.
Inte undra på varför mitt ena öga ser mycket större ut än det andra.
Nu ska jag plugga och sova, puss och godnatt !
yeah, it blew a lot today, and the rain just flew in my face, Amandas ... and yeah, the rest of Odenplan.
No wonder why one of my eyes looks a lot bigger than the other.
Now I will study and sleep, kiss and goodnight!
Och nu ska jag sova, nattinatti !
A lousy sunday
Ska göra tacos senare, men är trött efter plugget och min mage kurrar...åh, så typiskt !
Här är ett instagram foto
Going to make tacos later, but I'm so tired after school stuff and my stomach is rumbling ... oh, so typical !
Here is an instagram photo

Outfit 2013-09-14

Surres födelsedag
Gosh ! Jag e hungrig, ska äta...
It was Surre's birthday yesterday so we girls had a barbecue, the only day I go out to do something besides study.
Gosh ! I'm hungry, i'll eat...

All about fun
Idag fyllde Surre år, det kommer bilder imorn. Godnatt !
WOW Cyrus !
Hur blev Cyrus så bra på typ tre dagar efter hennes twerk-skandal?
Det är också lite hemsk att hon var naken i musikvideon, jag tänkte asso ska hon visa tutten nu efter twerk-skandalen? hahah
Right now i'm shock, what happened?
How did Cyrus become so good, like, three days after her Twerk-scandal?
I think it was incredibly good, even though I don't listen to such depressing songs like this.
It's also a little terrible that she was naked in the music video, I thought: so will she show her boob now after the twerk-scandal? hahah
Det är inte alls så dumt
Folk bara tjatar och tjatar, eller nej det gör de faktiskt inte. Det är jag som gör såhär mot mig själv.
Jag lärde mig typ ingenting i grundskolan så nu pluggar jag med full fart om hela grundskolan och gymnasiet kan man säga.
När jag inte fattar något så måste jag läsa om grunderna som tar så jävla lång tid. Pluggar till midnatt hallå?!
Neej, neej tyck inte alls synd om mig hahah.
Life is all about having a life, but right now I have no life at all.
People just nag and nag, or no, they don't really. It's me who do this to myself.
I learned almost nothing anything in elementary school, so now I'm studying at full speed on all primary and secondary schoolwork.
When I don't understand anything I have to learn the basics that takes so damn long. Doing homework until midnight hello?!
No, No enjoy not feeling sorry for me hahah.
Anyways i had no time to do anything today, came home at five o'clock and made just a hamburger so it wouldn't take too long. Poor me.

Outfit 2013-09-09

Top from H&M, shoes from H&M, foot strap from Lebanon,
(The Lee-shorts are really ordinary jeans pants
I cut it into shorts but the rivets on the back pocket is from punk shop).
Bracelet with rivets are from Ur&Penn, the watch is from Greece.
Trött, påväg hem från skolan..
Fint väder ? Fram med vattenpipan !
Right now I'm with my best friend, hookah and my dog Ikita.
You can see her there in the armchair like a black blob.
I can't believe how she still sit there when it's so hot.
I don't understand anything quite easily.

Fetaost - do not eat it, it will make you fat !
Good morning world, ate breakfast a few hours ago but the images refused to be transferred!
Ate feta-cheese pies for breakfast.
It sure looks good ? But believe me, it's not as hard as it looks.
Add feta cheese in a bowl and mash it, add the two yolks and stir.
Add it to the finished pastry and place it in the oven around 200 degrees, it doesn't matter.